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Our Investment Philosophy

Nobody likes surprises with their money, that’s why we approach investing with a risk budget….

Most people are used to the concept of budgets. Budgets for the dollars you spend, the assets you acquire. What’s unfortunate is when you’re caught off-guard because your budget was impacted by an unforeseen expense. Similarly, investments often get into trouble because of an unforeseen risk. When you look at the market today, being “diversified” generally means allocating to a wide range of assets. At Foundations, we dive deeper. We believe in approaching asset allocation with a risk budget and dig into how much risk that asset class is vulnerable to. We make sure our diversification is in risk, as opposed to asset class. Our goal, ultimately, is to maximize return and limit any unforeseen surprises.

Being diversified doesn’t always mean you are diversified from risk. Take a look at our material below outlining the different risk factors based on asset class. Then compare a “well diversified” portfolio with the actual risk it has visibility to.

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A4 Digital Inc. and The American Hero Show do not provide investment advice or financial services.

Investment advisory services offered through Foundations Investment Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser.